os asset managrment plan-z6尊龙旗舰厅

os asset management plan
disclaimer: without confirmation with international union construction group, please do not believe the remarks about "international union construction group investment and financing project cooperation" made by individuals or companies without authorization of the company, so as to avoid unnecessary losses.
business > os asset managrment plan

based on the financing dilemma and current operation situation of domestic enterprises, the urgent problem that enterprises need to solve is not only the problem of capital. the traditional business model of simply relying on debt to support the development of enterprises will gradually change with the development of the times and financial innovation. enterprise development not only needs "blood transfusion", but also needs to improve its "hematopoietic" ability. overseas financing and global supply chain asset management plan can improve corporate debt structure, enhance corporate capital liquidity, and achieve financing and operation coordination.

os asset management plan is the abbreviation of overseas investment & global supply chain asset management plan. s refers to global supply chain asset management. os asset management program is an asset management solution that combines overseas investment with global supply chain asset management.

overseas investment(" o ") refers to the equity and debt investment behavior of international union construction group in purchasing the financing products issued by domestic enterprises in the form of debt or equity in the overseas capital market. while obtaining investment income, international union construction group raises working capital and medium - and long-term capital for financing enterprises, aiming to help financing enterprises enter the market with more favorable capital cost, expand the channels for enterprises to obtain low-cost capital, and reduce capital cost. overseas investment targets are mainly divided into equity products and debt products, including but not limited to: international bond financing, international stock financing, overseas investment fund financing.

global supply chain asset management(that is, the "s") refers to international union construction group, based on the enterprise real trade background in financial and business activities, the core enterprise and upstream and downstream related enterprises in the supply chain integration as a whole, according to the trading relationship of enterprises in the supply chain and industry characteristics based on cargo rights and cash flow control, financing and management with the combination of an operational management model.
